Magic Valley Channel List

The Magic Valley is served by two primary radio systems: SIRCOMM and the Twin Falls P-25 system. Together, these systems provide comprehensive coverage across Twin Falls, Gooding, Lincoln, and Jerome counties.

SIRCOMM (Southern Idaho Regional Communications Center) is a regional communications authority that operates six simulcast transmission locations throughout the Magic Valley. These sites ensure seamless, simultaneous voice radio coverage across the four-county region. Through SIRCOMM’s computer-controlled radio system, local agencies can communicate both within and beyond the area. For more information, visit their official website.

The Twin Falls P25 system is a Project 25 Phase I digital radio network. Unlike analog systems, P-25 systems deliver clear, static-free transmissions, thanks to their digital nature. You can learn more about P-25 systems on Wikipedia.

To delve deeper into these specific systems, refer to Radio Reference: SIRCOMM | Twin Falls P25

Some radio channels are available to the public on YouTube, while others require a subscription to Joe’s Scanner (No Ads!). The subscription helps ensure compliance with local requests, allowing for the delay or silencing of specific channels when necessary. Reach out to me (Joe) directly by using the contact form on the support page.

Channels heard on YouTubeFrequency or Talkgroup
TF P25: TF Fire/EMS Dsp42201
TF P25: TF Fire42205
SIRCOMM: Valley Emergency453.45 MHz
SIRCOMM: Fire/EMS Dispatch460.625 MHz
SIRCOMM: Fire Tac 1- North Red 1/3/11453.575 MHz
SIRCOMM: Fire Tac 2- South Red 2/4/6/10/12460.575 MHz
SIRCOMM: Buhl City Fire Tac Red 5453.5 MHz
SIRCOMM: Jerome Cnty Tac Red 7/8/9462.975 MHz
SIRCOMM: Hagerman Val Tac Red 13/14463.075 MHz

Channels that require a SubscriptionFrequency or Talkgroup
TF P25: TF Police42101
SIRCOMM: Dispatch (Primary)453.65 MHz
SIRCOMM: Twin Falls PD Primary460.5 MHz
SIRCOMM: Twin Falls SO – Blue 09 CJ Facility460.475 MHz
SIRCOMM: Twin Falls SO – Blue 08468.175 MHz
SIRCOMM: Twin Falls SO- Blue 11 – S&R/Rual462.95 MHz
SIRCOMM: Twin Falls SO Green Tac463.125 MHz
SIRCOMM: Buhl PD Green 15460.175 MHz
SIRCOMM: Kimberly/Hansen PD Green 13460.35 MHz
SIRCOMM: Filer PD Green 16460.375 MHz
SIRCOMM: Jerome Cnty Law Green 41460.125 MHz
SIRCOMM: Lincoln Cnty Law Green 61460.45 MHz
SIRCOMM: Gooding Cnty Law Green 81460.225 MHz

Channels only heard via JAAS and on a delayFrequency or Talkgroup
SIRCOMM: Tactical – North Blue 1/6/7453.525 MHz
SIRCOMM: Tactical – South/ TFSO Blue 2/3/4/6460.05 MHz

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